
Showing posts from August, 2011

When Tension come around..

When I joing KKM , then I saw this joke so i copy for my collection. I was losing some stress indeed i losing some stress when reading this hehehe ..  Here it goes Sabahan Version :-  1. Bila org nampak ko baring tutup mata: S: Ko tidur kah? J: Tdk la, sia training mcm mana mau mati bah.. 2. Imagine ko bawa bawa tv ko yg rusak pi technician bikin n dia masi juga tanya: S: Mau kasi bagus kah ni tv? J: Tdk la,sia buring ba,jadi sia bawa la tv sia pi jln2 sini. 3. Bila time hujan kwn ko nampak ko kluar,dia tanya: S: Ko kluar time hujan ni? J: Eh ndak la,hujan yg naaaanti baru sia kluar. 4. Time ko baru bangun tidur, dia tnya: S: Ko bangun sdh? J: Ish, sia tidur sambil jalan bah ni! 5. Kawan ko call fon ruma ko: S: Mana ko? J: Sini bus stop! 6. Diorang nampak ko kluar dari bilik mandi basah2: S: Ko baru mandi kah? J: Manada, sia jatuh dlm lubang jamban bah! 7. Ko bediri di dlm lift di tingkat paling bawah sdh, diorang tanya: S: Going up kah? J: Eh ndak la,sia tangah tun...

Green Green

Lately I had been starting doing planting veggies at my back yard since last Sunday. This was my hubby idea’s doing planting but in the end I was the one planting the seeds and water it. He just giving the ideas and I was proceed it. Well, after a few day seeding and care, I got the result that my veggies is growing. Well my friend do you know how hobbies help up. Since I got a lot of hobbies to do, I want share this too. If we like planting flowers in front of the house or d backyard or balcony space (living in the apartment plant), let's take this chance to grow vegetables as well. Not only enrich the color of flowers can make u  claim, but the veggies too. Not only beautiful sight, but can produce fresh leaves and save for going out to shopping. Another thing that making you feels good is, if those who happen to have a family you mig...